Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Labor Day 2013 Themes !

Its been a long time ! But I am back !!

This year I am anticipating THREE band launches for Labor Day 2013... Yes THREE !!
  1. Ramajay Mas (2012 winners) - June 9th, 2013
  2. Sesame Flyers - June 15th, 2013
  3. Freaks NY Mas - June 8th, 2013

Usually I know what band I want to play with before band launching season and I usually pick by best theme but for 2013 all three bands have very interesting themes so I'm going to have to go by costumes. with all three themes I have a vision of my costume. im going for an individual costume this year since im not playing for crop over


This is Ramajay's 5th year in the game with the theme "Reflections of Carnival: Then and Now", I'm really excited to see how they combine old school with some new school. I think its a great way to show mas is not all about being naked. I hope to see my fav trini mas character ( midnight robber ). Being last years winners with the theme "Wings - were flying high" expectations are high for ramajay but ramajay gets more and more creative as the years go by! If I decide to go with Ramajay I will have to act on it FAST because they have this new thing as of 2012 where they have a limited of 550 people and when it comes to playing with Ramajay people don't stick ! HA !

With this theme im sure theres going to be a section or two reflecting Indian Mas and if I decide to go with ramajay, I would want a long headpiece with boy shorts. perfect example of what im talking about is Yuma's 2012 section reflecting Indian Mas 

This is Sesame Flyers 30th anniversary with the theme "VOGUE" . im so infatuated with this theme because its a puzzling theme. it makes you think what could they be possibly doing. I have a weird feeling there going to have costumes like Trinidad's band K2K and if so Sesame Flyers wont see me this year. but Sesame never disappoints me. My fav designers (Akin and Caprice) have the best costumes every single year so im not worried about what they'll bring . Last years theme "Fire and Ice" which theme I did not like because that's a theme you cant do to much with and they had the same colors in almost every section. which is why I think they got 2nd place, that and because of that one section "Concoction" which showed a little too much but im not complaining... YES !


For some reason when I hear VOGUE I think lots of pleasant feathers . I would want a collar with lots of pleasant feathers and a head piece that's not to big nor to small, just good size. A good example would be Bliss's tiger section that was taken away !


I believe this is Freaks NY Mas 2nd year in NY with the theme "Aquaria", now I like under water themes because you have a wide variety of sections to come out with. I Never had the Freaks NY experience and I have a feeling im going to play with them just to say I played with the three biggest bands in NY then I can compare all bands for my 2014 decision (early planning). Its not much I can say about Freaks NY. From watching vids on YouTube I can tell when it comes to best vibes, Freaks NY is the band and im all about the vibes !! With the 2012 theme "ILLUSIONS"  I didn't like but one section but hopefully 2k13 have more sections that I like ! BOOM !

With this under water theme. I couldn't really think of anything that I would want so I did a little looking around and I found Tribe's section from 2013 "Papilio" . the little collar and wings backpack can symbolize some type of underwater thing or fish. like the others I have an picture of what im talking about

  well im very excited for all three band launches. I guess until sesame flyers launch I wont know who im playing with. so I will see you guys on JUNE 16th !!!

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