Thursday, July 11, 2013

Ramajay or Sesame 2013

Choosing a band for labor is no easy thing. its harder than it seems. most ppl go with a band for costumes. some go because of the road experience and costumer service and some go simple because of the vibes. Me I choose a band by all three. I need a great , well put together costume with great ... no outstanding customer service and vibes that have me feeling great on the road

At first I was torn between all three band.. Freaks NY , Ramajay Mas , and Sesame flyers Int.. by the end of Sesame flyers band launch I narrowed it down to Ramajay and Sesame .. I booted Freaks NY because I don't want to risk my labor day experience and not be satisfied. plus none of there male costumes caught my eye like Ramajay and Sesame costumes did.

Now I am torn between Ramajay's Fancy Indian and Sesame flyer's Allure and wildlife.

I booted Allure because I already played in a purple section before and I want  to do a section that have colors that ive never played in


this is really a tough situation. I love love love ramajay theme and I really love love love that damn headpiece .....
I love wildlife backpack and I love that headpiece
Well im going to go with Sesame Flyers "Wildlife" this section is well put together and I really want that backpack. im ready for de road now. one step closer. now to go pay down. purchase boots and find someone that can do body paint well. 7 weeks , 3 days and some hours and counting.... BOOM !!!

sesame flyers band launch 2013 - the review

This year marks Sesame Flyers 30th anniversary here in New York. Their theme for this year Labor Day Carnival is "VOUGE".  The band launch was a band launch that was out of the box ! Sesame Flyers indeed have some of the best costumes for this carnival season. Here's my least to favorite sections...

Old Hollywood- Akini & Gillani
Not only do I think this is the worst costume from sesame flyers but the worst costume ive seen this carnival season. The corset with the hat headpiece is okay. The frontline is the nicest thing about this section. The male was awful. sorry ....
Cherry Noir- D Gaylz Dem
The backline, curvaceous , and high waist panty was very awful. On the other hand the frontline was very appealing . but sadly it took just the backline to spoil this section for me completely ..... 

Hope- Sesame Carnival
I preferred the original name "lady monalade" because it went more with the theme. I guess this year everyone is trying to use sunday hats . From what I heard this was a rushed last minute section. but the whole piece is not appealing to me at all. The male is nice and was actually one of my top five from this band . its just too much going on for me in this section.

La Riviera- Sweet Eye Candy
Theres nothing really wrong with this section , it just doesn't catch my eye. its blah to me.

I like this section but I don't love this section. The male I don't like at all. well I just don't like that chest piece. the frontline made this section in my opinion !

Fierce- Sesame Carnival
The only thing I like about this section is the frontline. everything else is just idk not appealing to me at all. the curvaceous woman look like it was bought from Victoria secret and just added trimming. the male part I don't like because of that opening to the top of the hat . blah
Carnival Couture- Fire Dutchess Promotions
I love the frontline to this, its very different and unique in its own little way. the headpiece is nicely put together  . wish there was a male to this
Bellissimo Mare-Sesame Carnival
now first off let me say sesame flyers. you guys have too much sections with blue in it . This section is nicely put together. the male could have been a little bitt better. the big headpiece looks a lot like savage headpiece. the backpack is nice and I like how its different than the rest.
C'est La Vie- Sesame Carnival
now what I hate about this section is that its for the ladies and the ladies only lol. I really love the color scheme . and I really love the name. in my opinion this section has the best name. the headpiece looks very vice and I love the one shoulder collar.
Je T'aime- Akin & Caprice
I really love the name to this section as well. I love the headpiece and I love the backpack. the thing that made this section not in my top 3 or 4 is that 1 ) there was no male to the section and 2 ) the ruffles on these pieces don't appeal to my eye.
Savage- Sesame Carnival
now I really don't like red costumes but this red section was well executed . from the backline to male and to the frontline. the male is well put together and the only thing I would change is the chest piece other than that this section is a go !
Allure- Exotica Ladies
I love this section. theres nothing bad I can say about this section at all. the male backline I feel it should have been frontline because it looks better than the frontline. the male headpiece looks better in person than it do in pics . this is my second choice with sesame flyers. 
Ooh La La- Akin & Caprice
now akin and caprice really out did themselves this year. this section is very well put together. I love the colors . this section is for only 15 women ... im so mad there's no male to this .... green is ooh pink is la and yellow is la. one of these colors was sold out before sesame flyers even open the camp. in my opinion the green looks best then the yellow then the pink. even though theres no male to this section, its still one of my top three...
Juicy- Wide Shut Promotions

 this is indeed the BEST section for labor day carnival season. from the color scheme to the headpieces and down to the detailing. that Mohawk headpiece is a headpiece ive been waiting to see for so long and I wish that it wasn't $1,185 because I would run with this section so harddddd. but then I cant really get on like I want with that headpiece. that headpiece is for ppl that chip and do a little wine here and there. this section is BOSS
Wildlife- Akin & Caprice

this section is very beautiful to me . the frontline headpiece is everything and the wire bra is so unique. this section goes well with the name. its giving me rainforest . I love this section sooooo bad, the male is the best male costume ive seen this carnival season. Akin & Caprice I salute you this year. these sections are outstanding
This year I love Sesame Flyers concept . the theme was well executed and I cant wait to see how these costumes look on the road

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Ramajay Mas 2013 -band launch review


unfortunately I was unable to attend ramajay's 5th year anniversary band lunch with the theme "Reflections of Carnival: Then and Now". My friends did attend and was sending me pics all thru the night and I have to say I missed a great band launch. there was not one section I seen from this band launch that i didn't like . so its gnna this is going to be hard ! theres no particular order with ramajay's .


Out of all the sections i have to say this is one of my least favs. i love the colors but it looks like one of there past costumes. but eh i like it !
 Dame Lorraine -
This sections is one of my top three ! the color scheme is very well pit together. the hat with the feathers is a nice touch to this costume. well done costume !
Crazy Clown-

 i love the frontline but not so much love the backline. its okay for what it is. i guess because the backline headpiece is "crazy" in its own way. idk !

Midnight Robber-
 Now Midnight robber was the section i looked forward to. don't get me wrong i loveee the section but if i was to design this section. this section would be sold out already ! what i don't like is how the females look so wonderful and when it come to the male it doesn't look up to paw with the females.

Fancy Sailor-
Now this is my second choice !! im not a fan of pants but for this costume i love the pants . i love the frontline collar and i love the backline. this section is a reflection of the fancy sailor costume. this section is well put together ! Ramajay we looking good !!!!
Lady Ramajay-

now i like that they added a mas character for the now part ! very interesting and i feel every band have a lady ramajay ! the "diva" option is everything and well put together. the male part to this section is my 4th choice !
Mama Dis Is Mas-

love this section . love everything about it. from the name to the headpieces and down to the pants and panty. i also love this section because it looks like a section Island People would do

Fancy Indian-
 MY NUMBER ONE CHOICE !! if i play with ramajay im playing with this section. the colors the headpiece everything about it i love !!!

this section is so beautiful. ! the collar is very well put together and the male section to this is ..... fire !
Jab Jab

im usually scared of jab jab but if jab jab look like this woman i would be all up one a jab jab lol !! i loveee this section ! but i feel this section resembles Island People 'nocturnal" section with their theme "heroes"

uhhhhhhhh ! it nothing i can say about this section because its nothing really done to this costume ! its okay tho if your going for the simple look !
another pic of fancy indian !!!

I still haven't made up my mind yet but if i do go with ramajay . my expectations are going to be high because they are only catering to 550 ppl on the parkway so that means my costume should look exactly the way it does at the mas camp. the music should be so good i whine for the meeting up location to the sign that says "no loud music past this point" and costumer service should be amazing .. no funky attitudes.