Friday, June 14, 2013



This years FREAKS MAS presents the theme "AQUARIA" . Like I said before I love underwater themes and I was more than excited to see what FREAKS was launching. I think this year is a great improvement of last years costumes. Here are the sections (in my opinion) least favorite to my favorite .

Underwater Kingdom-

There's not much I can really say about this section but it is deff my least fav

Butterfly Spended by FREAKS NY -

The color scheme is just not appealing to me but the models work the costumes at the band launch and this sections is one of few sections that actually goes with the theme.

Regal Emperor by Slammin Caste -

I think I don't like this section because its black. Pulling off a black section is very hard to do . Its nothing really appealing to this section as well. but this is of the other sections that actually goes with the theme.

Veil Tail by Tony Cross -

Theres nothing really wrong about this section but then again its nothing really right about this section either. I more think this section would have been better for FREAKS last years theme "ILLUSIONS"

Queen Athinas by Forever Divaz -

This is headpiece is what attracts my eye to this costume. the color scheme Is a great choice. I just wish the men section was more well put together. you can tell some time was put in for the womens but the men was a little slack.

Sunburst by Freedom Promotions -

This section is very well put together but its something about it that's screaming I need more. maybe a men section to complete it or maybe the leg pieces need a bit more feathers. hmmm?

Lacary by Island Gems -

Why oh why didn't this section have a men's to it ?? the color scheme is great, the back pack is great, the frontlne is great. but for some reason its just not one of my tops

Sulawesi Corals by Sherzel Production -

This is the 21 and younger section. this is very teenager appealing if that made any sense. the color scheme is a plus . love the use of the different type of feathers. and sherzel is one of my fav mas makers. she always bring her A game . BOOM !!

Sea Anemone by De Grind Mas -
The color scheme is what have this section in my top 5 . the headpiece is very different and its just an all around beautiful costume.

Fairy Wrasse by Fatal Angels -

this costume is very appealing to the eye. I do think this is the best backpack in this band . but I feel this section more depicts the theme "ILLUSIONS" . perhaps FREAKS NY theme should have been " ILLUSIONS pt 2"

 Flaming Angels by Jason Benn-

Jason Benn another one of my favorite designers always come hard with his sections. I deff see myself in this section with out the neck piece and a better headpiece maybe a Mohawk headpiece. hmmm decisions!!

 Piranha by Sherzel Productions -
This section color scheme is madddd . Sherzel did it again !! this section will take eastern parkway by storm . oh and the men to this is GREAT. I wouldn't subtract or add nothing to this. ! great job Sherzel !

Siamese Halfmoon Betta by Ontarage Ladies & Luge -
If I play with FREAKS NY for 2013 THIS will be my section. the different headpiece, the collar, the isis wings, the men section, EVERYTHING about this section is well put together .
Well FREAKS NY is not playing this year. im so indecisive between them and Ramajay . but most of these sections more depict ILLUSIONS . but I deff cant wait to see who I go with . GREAT JOB once again freaks.